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Functional Breathing: The Doorway to Wellbeing (3-part series)

Functional breathing can change everything and help you develop a harmonious relationship between your body, breath, cognition, emotional regulation and overall wellbeing.

In this 3-part series, each 2hr. workshop builds upon one another so it’s great to take all three and just as easy to participate in a single workshop since all information is relevant to your physical, energetic. mental and emotional health.

WHEN: Saturdays March 8th, April 12th, May 10th from 1-3p, in-person and Zoom

WHERE: The Yoga Tree, 4250 Fremont Ave., Seattle WA 98103

REGISTRATION: $45 each or $120 for all (3) sessions;

No yoga experience is necessary. Simply a spark of curiosity and desire to learn more about your breath and breath work through a yogic lens to support vitality and wellbeing.

Email me: if you have any questions about this series or whether it’s right for you, Let’s discuss your breath..

Workshop #1= How well are you breathing? 

Over-breathing is common in society today, it’s habitual, a sign of stress and harmful to our systems. There is a functional way to breath and we’ll discover whether you’re breathing optimally and what you can do to practice more regulating breathing habits. Your health depends on it.

From this workshop you’ll:

  • Learn the bio-mechanics of breathing 

  • Understand why learning to breath functionally is beneficial for your overall health 

  • Condition and engage primary muscles of respiration (hint: abs just not the 6-pk) to support functional breathing

Workshop #2 = CO2 needs a rebrand!

It gets a bad rap yet if oxygen is king then CO2 is queen and we all know which one rules the chess board. Updated research and new understanding about the breath and respiration shows that CO2 is necessary (actually, very) for the health and repair of physiological systems. More CO2 isn’t bad,  you likely aren’t getting enough from the way you breathe. So what’s happening, chemically, when you breathe and why is CO2 more important than you think?

From this workshop you’ll:

  • Learn the bio-chemistry of breathing 

  • Learn what ‘air-hunger’ is and why it’s important

  • Learn common breathing misperceptions in yoga

  • Learn and practice breathing exercises that bolster CO2

Workshop #3 = Diaphragm dome is home to regulation and wellbeing!

In the middle of the body, the diaphragm, is at the center of it all. Literally. Plus, the super highway of regulation, the vagus nerve runs through the diaphragm. Your breath affects everything: cognitive health, neural circuit dynamics, aerobic metabolism, stress reduction and mood regulation, to name a few. Why? The vagus nerve holds some answers. Change your breathing and be on the journey to change your life.

From this workshop you’ll:

  • Learn about the vagus nerve and the benefits of vagal tone on wellbeing

  • Learn which internal systems are affected by the diaphragm’s movement and why

  • Learn and practice up-regulating and down-regulating breathing practices